Winnie the Pooh

Winnie The Pooh: Blood and Honey trailer

Winnie The Pooh: Blood and Honey is a movie that exists because the IP is in the public domain. And yes, it looks like it was made by students, more than likely because it IS made by students. Okay, it’s an independent, but hell, they kindda means the same (runs).

The only reason this trailer is doing the rounds is because Disney’s beloved bear has been twisted into something far more fitting of the Tic-Tok generation. Now he’s blood thirsty and killing bikini-clad sophomores.

Director Rhys Frake-Waterfield seized the opportunity to make Winnie The Pooh: Blood and Honey back in January 2022. Just as the hell gates to this horrific year were squeaking open. he said on its plot:

Christopher Robin is pulled away from them, and he’s not [given] them food, it’s made Pooh and Piglet’s life quite difficult… Because they’ve had to fend for themselves so much, they’ve essentially become feral. So they’ve gone back to their animal roots. They’re no longer tame: they’re like a vicious bear and pig who want to go around and try and find prey.


So, there’s a story, apparently…

And to be honest. Good. 2022 has sucked and we need something like this to make things make sense. Not making sense is the copyright for Tigger or… the red shirt that Pooh wears (which was added after the rights to the bear were sold in 1931). Neither of which will be making cameos (thanks Wayne!)

Okay… Netflix, or more than likely Hulu, needs to get hold of this. I think Hulu getting the rights makes sense as they are an arm of Disney, only they show more adult stuff. The only thing that disappoints me in this trailer is the poor acting and costumes. Does that make me sick?

Do we want it?

I never really cared for the banal existence of the pooh bear and his depressed/bipolar mates. So this looked like it might be fun. Sadly it looks like it might be so bad that it’s just plain bloody bad. But it could be fun… Right? You have to give respect to the kids who leapt at the chance to be the first to officially pervert these loved characters. I don’t doubt that we’ll soon have a range of porn to choose from.

What do you think?

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All the series and all the movies couldn't put society back together again.