Why is the dog sad? Many people ask this question, and the answer is always the same. The hound, referred to here as X, has no biscuit. This has led to sadness. It’s been proven on many occasion that should the dog get a biscuit, it would alleviate its sadness, albeit for a short period of time.
This is why X has no biscuit. Because giving X will only make it happy, for a short period. So what the f**k is the point? And, like the biscuit, there is none.
As you can see, X, who is the subject covered in white hair, is basically morose and flopped over a footrest. Also known to some, as a pouf. Now it’s not clear if this is helping, or making matters worse. But we can clearly hear its whines of sadness. Now while the owner states the fact that X is sad, he doesn’t seem to give two shits (or biscuits) about it. In fact, he’s taking advantage of X by mocking its situation.
An attempt was made to contact X, but as of yet, we’ve received no reply. Via email, or howl. We hop that by bringing attention to this situation the owner will remedy X’s plight by giving it a biscuit. Even if it’s only a temporary measure to make X happy.
But we will keep you posted.
All the series and all the movies couldn't put society back together again.