PS PLUS Games february

No love this Feb for PS PLUS games

Playstation has given us some killer games as part of their PLUS service. I mean, I’ve jammed Deep Rock Galactic for hours now, and it’s only cost me the same as the sub. So I don’t really begrudge them when we get utter meh…

PS PLUS is giving us:

  • EA Sports UFC 4
  • Planet Coaster: Console Edition
  • Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep: A Wonderlands One-shot Adventure

I love me some UFC. In fact, I mastered EA’s UFC 2 and used to enjoy kicking my brother’s teeth out over some beers playing it. I then grew weary of EA’s BS and stopped buying their stuff. And it would seem I am not the only one. Well, at least in regards to UFC 4… Let’s have a quick look at the love users have for this game…

EA Sports UFC 4


Insert an assortment of DAMNs. I am kinda torn on this. A lot of the negativity is that it’s very cut and paste from UFC3. Well, I never played that, so maybe this isn’t as bad as the review bombers make out.

Planet Coaster: Console Edition

Chill people! It’s a simulator game, not your mom’s dating app! Well, that’s 2/3 for February, not looking too good… But wait, we have something pretty good coming up!

Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep: A Wonderlands One-shot Adventure

Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep

The above image is actually the brilliant DLC for Borderlands 2. So you get that for free. Which I think is worth it. It was a blast when I played it all those years ago, but I do wonder whether it’s aged a bit.

What do you think? Are these PS PLUS games worth the 1000s of kbs of space the title will take up in your Library?

Hammer time!

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Hammer’s thoughts

It’s a far cry from what we got last month value wise. Some people might enjoy UFC 4 and Planet Coaster and all the power to them. But Sony is never going to satisfy everyone with just two (three if you have a PS5) games a month and this has been the issue for years. They could at least look at a few reviews before deciding if they’re giving customers the best value for money.

One has to wonder how Sony picks these games. Is it a lottery, do they chop the head of a chicken like they did in the Margaritaville episode of South Park? Or maybe EA allows them to give out UFC 4 for fee and because it doesn’t include the Bruce Lee DLC which requires and additional purchase.

With Youtube hiding their dislikes (there are ways around it) you really need to be upset to dislike a video and 22% of all votes are dislikes so far. That’s like a super dislike.

Hopefully if Project Spartacus is revealed at this month’s State of Play, Playstation gamers will finally get their own gamepass service and be rid of this hot and cold Russian roulette we are subjected to each month.

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